Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2012, here we come!

Hi everyone! My name is Allie and I am new to the La Femme de Cleveland team! I am a student at Cleveland State University, living in the beautiful downtown Cleveland! Needless to say, I love it. I love waking up every morning and seeing the skyline. I love the pride Cleveland sports fans have. I love my school. I love Cleveland. As I was searching around how to show my Cleveland pride, I came across La Femme de Cleveland. Not only is it a company supporting Cleveland, but also women. Brains, Beauty, Young, Pretty & from Cleveland.  Powerful words to describe women, Cleveland, and a company. Anyway! I am very excited to be a part of the La Femme team! My role includes keeping you all up to date with whats going on in Cleveland, special events, and exciting news wether it be through this blog or on the facebook page or other social networking sites! Soooooo, Stay tuned! La Femme de Cleveland has lots to offer and 2012 is going to be a year full of exciting news!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Its time to show our appreciation for the hardworking women in the city. La Femme de Cleveland will start featuring Young Women that are making a difference for the city each month on our facebook page, along with our blog. Send an email to kzagara@lafemmedecleveland.com if you think you or someone you know is the perfect fit.